
孟强 简介

来源:   发布:2024-02-27 10:54:26  点击量:







12008.09-2012.06 中国矿业大学,地质工程专业,获工学学士学位

22012.09-2017.06 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所兰州油气资源研究中心,地球化学专业,硕博连读,获理学博士学位







3有机地球化学国家重点实验室开放基金,应用FT-ICR MS研究轻微-中等生物降解作用对页岩可溶有机质NSO化合物组成的影响,2018/04-2020/06,主持






[1]Qiang Meng*, Yu Xiao, Jianglong Shi*, et al. Genesis and source of natural gas in Well Mitan-1 of Ordovician Majiagou Formation, middle-eastern Ordos Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience, 2024, 9(1): 39-51.

[2]黄礼,赵颖,吕慧贤,谢小敏,黎立,肖七林,王张虎,陈果,孟强*. 塔里木盆地西南山前坳陷恰探1井二叠系天然气成因来源研究[J].石油实验地质, 2024, (In Press).

[3]Yiqing Wang, Qiang Meng*, Junping Huang, et al. Experimental Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Generation from Scandinavian Alum Shale Carbonate Nodules: Implications for Hydrocarbon Generation from Majiagou Formation Marine Carbonates in China’s Ordos Basin. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023, 11, 1616.


[5]Qiang Meng, Xiaofeng Wang*, Baoguang Shi, et al. The 13C-depleted methane in terrigenous shale gas: a case study in the Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2022,141,105688.

[6]Xiaofeng Wang, Peng Liu, Qiang Meng, et al. Physical selectivity on isotopologues of gaseous alkanes by shale pore network: Evidence from dynamic adsorption process of natural gas. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2022, 97,104252.

[7]Qiang Meng, Xiaofeng Wang*, Yuhong Liao, et al. The effect of slight to moderate biodegradation on the shale soluble organic matter composition of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021,128,105021.

[8]Qiang Meng, Xiaofeng Wang*, Xiangzeng Wang, et al. Biodegradation of light hydrocarbon (C5-C8) in shale gases from the Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2018, 51:183-194.

[9]Peng Liu, Xiaofeng Wang*, Qiang Meng, et al. Simulation of shale gas generation by using different experimental systems: A case study from Chang7 shale in the Ordos Basin. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2018, 49,169-178.

[10]Qiang Meng, Xiaofeng Wang*, Xiangzeng Wang, et al. Gas geochemical evidences for biodegradation of shale gases in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2017, 179:139-152.

[11]Qiang Meng, Xiaofeng Wang*, Xiangzeng Wang, et al. Origin of shale gases in the Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2017, 35(10):969-974.

[12]Qiang Meng, Xiaofeng Wang*, Xiangzeng Wang, et al. Variation in the carbon isotopic composition of alkanes during shale gas desorption process and its geological significance. Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience, 2016, 1(2):139-146.

[13]孟强, 王晓锋*, 王香增, . 页岩气解析过程中烷烃碳同位素组成变化及其地质意义——以鄂尔多斯盆地伊陕斜坡东南部长7页岩为例[J]. 天然气地球科学, 2015, 26(2):333-340.

[14]孟强, 王晓锋*, 刘鹏, . 鄂尔多斯盆地南部长7页岩气的稳定碳、氢同位素组成特征[J]. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 2015,45(增刊):1515-23.


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